I’m a nerd at heart and play lots of video games, binge a lot of TV shows, and am also a writer and artist! I haven’t been writing lately, sadly, but I want to finish a novel I’ve been working on for years. While I can draw, I prefer web-design due to the fact I’m a perfectionist and being able to create layouts to the pixel is very satisfying.

I was diagnosed with BPD in 2016 while active duty in the Marine Corps, stationed in Iwakuni, Japan. This was a large turning point in my life and the start of a continuing healing journey.
Borderline personality disorder is a mental health condition that affects the way people feel about themselves and others, making it hard to function in everyday life.
– Mayo Clinic
While in the Marine Corps, I served a total of 4 years as a Heavy Equipment Mechanic and was honorably discharged as a Corporal. I enlisted for the sole reason to be as far away from my family as I could, and I knew the military would accomplish that for me. I spent my first two years stationed in Iwakuni, Japan then completed my service in Camp Pendleton, California.
I met my now husband while in my last platoon in 7th ESB. I was a Corporal while he a Lance Corporal. I was also selling access to my Snapchat during the last year of active duty and even had one of my Sergeant’s on it. Yes- I absolutely was a barracks bunny while stationed in Japan. However, I learned later that I was using risky sex as a way to self harm.

I started sex work mostly as a way to learn how to love my body but also in hopes of teaching me how to set and enforce boundaries. While I still struggle with being a people pleasure, sex work taught me more than I could ever expect.